Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hotter than Hell

It is so hot here that there needs to be another word besides hot to describe it. Here is a good description that help you imagine what it feels like:

Not Florida in July hot. Hot as if you were locked in a car in Florida in July with sufficient humidity to make it feel as though you are drowning. Hot as in 120 degrees with nearly 100% humidity. Do not look to the wind for relief. This is the equivalent of pointing a hairdryer on full blast directly at your face. Pour fine moon dust-like sand over your head as you do this and you get the picture.
(From The Top 20 Reasons Not to Move to Dubai)

What fascinates me the most is the women (and their make-up) who seem to be heat-resistant. They appear to have no sweat glands. Their liquid eyeliner stay perfectly applied when the minute I walk out of the house I have a river of sweat pouring from my forehead. I wore mascara once and looked like Amy Winehouse on a crack bender after about five minutes. Is there some secret cosmetics store I don't know about?

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