Saturday, October 11, 2008

No sleep 'til November

Why am I awake and posting at 5 am? Why, post-season baseball, of course! Courtesy of I can watch the entire post-season live for the low low price of $20. Even better, there aren't any commercials. Before you say that baseball is too boring to stay up all night watching it, I will give you my standard response - If you think that baseball is boring then you don't understand it. Thanks to the proper upbringing of my father, I love it.

I've also been watching all of the debates on C-Span's website. They start at 5 am here. Ayca even got up and watched the last one with me. They have been studying advertising, persuasion and speech making at school. Her impressions? She thought that McCain's constant use of "my friends" sounded "fake." Then she fell asleep cuz it was boring.

I guess I'll go back to a normal sleep pattern when I get a job or after election night, whichever comes first. Until then, I'll keep watching baseball.

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